Submitted: 03 Oct 2018
Accepted: 02 Dec 2018
ePublished: 29 Dec 2018
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J Ren Endocrinol. 2018;4: e20.
  Abstract View: 1799
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Brief Report

Effect of gold nanoparticle contamination in urine amphetamine test

Beuy Joob 1*, Viroj Wiwanitkit 2

1 Sanitation1 Medical Academic Center, Bangkok Thailand.
2 Honorary professor, Dr DY Patil University, Pune India; visiting professor, Hainan Medical University, China; adjunct professor, Joseph Ayobabalola University, Nigeria; visiting professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Nis, Serbia.
*Corresponding Author: *Corresponding Author: Beuy Joob, Email: , Email: beuyjoob@hotmail.com


Nanotechnology is widely used at present. The effect of nanoparticle on health aspect is an important consideration. Whereas the nanoparticle is proven useful in clinical aspect, the negative effect should be mentioned. The interference of nanoparticle on clinical laboratory investigation is an important issue. Here, the authors assess the effect of gold nanoparticle contamination in urine amphetamine test. According to the study, the interference can be seen. The false positive of the test due to the contamination is observed. The effect of nanoparticle on the clinical forensic laboratory test is the new issue to be considered at present.

 Citation: Joob B, Wiwanitkit V. Effect of gold nanoparticle contamination in urine amphetamine test. J Renal Endocrinol. 2018;4:e20. 
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